Archives: Events

Year 6 Leavers Excursion – LATITUDE

As part of the celebrations of leaving Primary School, the Year 6 students, Mrs Wood and Mr Blanch will be having an excursion to Latitude on Wednesday 18th December 2019, leaving school at 11:15am and returning for 2:45pm. The total cost of transport, lunch and 90 min of team building activities is $8.50, which has been heavily subsidised by the fundraising the students have undertaken with the support of the P&C.

Students are to wear school uniform and enclosed shoes for the day.

Date:       Wednesday 18th December 2019

Cost:        $8.50

Time Departing:      11:15am

Time returning:       2:45pm

Please complete the ‘Excursion Consent’, ‘Payment Options Form’ and ‘Student Information Sheet’, returning it to school no later than Wednesday 4th December 2019.

Latitude Year 6 Excursion


Alkimos Beach PS – End Of Year Party

The P&C are excited to share with you that they have been busy planning an end of year party!

TICKETS: $10* ABPS students includes disco, entry to play equipment, lolly bag & juice box (socks must be worn)

$3* Adults
(*plus Eventbrite booking fees)


Tickets can only be ordered via the link above. You will need to be quick as there is only a limited number of tickets available.

We look forward to partying with you!

Year 6 Graduation Assembly

Details to be advised. Year 6 parents will be invited to a morning tea after the assembly and then the Year 6 students will be heading off for their end of year excursion.